Lens Best USA LLC Odoo Version 15.0+e

Information about the Lens Best USA LLC instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.

Installed Applications

POS Product Switch View
User can see product in list view or form view in POS Screen and it's default view is configurable from pos config.
From quotations to invoices
Invoices & Payments
Warehouse Details in Receipt
To Do List
Enterprise website builder
Manage your stock and logistics activities
Manage financial and analytic accounting
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
Point of Sale
User-friendly PoS interface for shops and restaurants
Sell your products online
Create and customize your Odoo apps
Centralize employee information
Dynamic Product Labels | All In One Barcode Labels | Product Template Barcode Label
Product Custom Labels Custom Product Label Template Print sale barcode label purchase barcode label Dynamic Product Page Label invoice barcode label Product Barcode Label stock barcode Label With Fields Barcode Labels for Product Template Product Label Automation Customized Product Labels Dynamic Label Generation Dynamic Product Labels Dynamic Product Labels Odoo
Backend Fast Order
Backend Fast Order
Bank Reconciliation
Bank Reconciliation
Create Single Invoice For Multiple Sale Orders
One Invoice From multiple Sale Orders Invoice From Sale Orders Multiple Sale Order Single Invoice One Invoice From Multi Sale Orders single invoice from Multiple delivery single invoice from delivery single invoice from mass delivery order Odoo
Customer Account Statement
Customer Payment Followup Print Customer Statement Report Customer Bank Statement Client Statement Contact Statement Overdue Statement Partner Statement of Account Print Overdue Statement send customer statement Account Statement Report Odoo
Devide Delivery Order
Devide Delivery Order
Dynamic Pricelist Price Inside Product List View | Dynamic Pricelist Price Inside Product Tree View
Add Dynamic Pricelist in tree view dynamic pricelist in list View Dynamic Pricelist Price Multiple Pricelist Price Inside Product List View Update Fixed Price Different Pricelists Price Edit Pricelist Price Odoo
Hide Information For Picking Guy
Hide Information For Picking Guy
Hide Lock Warehouse Address
Hide Lock Button And Warehouse Wise in Delivery Order
Hide Any Menu
Hide Menu, Disable Menu Item, Invisible Menu, Remove Menu, Delete Menu Odoo, Hide Menu Items,Invisible Root Menu ,Company show hide menu, user hide menu, user limited menu access Odoo
Hide Product Price
hide sales price app, Disable sales price,disable cost price, show cost price module,remove cost price, remove sales price, hide cost price, show sales price,Hide Product Price odoo
Import Product Images From Zip For E-Commerce
import ecommerce pictures update ecommerce images import image from zip shop import product image from zip import bulk image from zip import partner image from zip product image Import Product Image using product internal reference Odoo
Lens Best Sales Report
Lens Best Sales Report
Lens Best : Summary PO
Lens Best : Summary Purchase Order
Popup Message
create Success, warnings, alert message box wizard,success popup message app, alert popup module, email popup module odoo
Multiple Invoice Payment
Multiple payment for invoice customer Multiple Bill Payment Mass credit note payment Mass debit note Payment single payment for multiple invoices multi invoice payment multi bill payment vendor bill payment multiple partial payment odoo
Lens Best Purchase XLS Report
Lens Best Purchase XLS Report
Portal User Login
Portal User Login
Point Of Sale Access Rights - Change Cashier Supported | Point Of Sale Access Rights | Different Access Rights For Employee | Access Rights For Cashier
Restrict Access Point Of Sale POS Disable Customer Button POS Deny Numpad POS Restrict Plus-Minus Buttons POS Disable Quantity Button POS Discount Disable POS Payment Button Disable POS Disable Pric POS Access Rights For Cashier Odoo
POS Credit Payment
POS Credit Payment
POS Generate Receipt
POS Generate Receipt
Point Of Sale Order List
POS Restaurant Sync Restaurant order POS Order List POS All Order List on POS screen POS Frontend Orders Management POS Order management POS Order List Management Manage point of sale order Current Session pos order reprint odoo
Point Of Sale Order - Exchange & Return | Point Of Sale Product Exchange | Point Of Sale Product Return
POS Order Return,POS Order Exchange,Point Of Sale Order Return,Point Of Sale Order Exchange,POS Return,POS Exchange,POS Return Exchange,Point Of Sale Return,Point Of Sale Exchange,POS Product Exchange,POS Product Return Odoo
Point Of Sale Order Sync
POS Restaurant Sync Point Of Sale sync Order point of sale reprint POS Order Sync repeat order reorder reprint POS Order repeat point of sales reorder POS Sync eCommerce Orders POS Sync restaurant order pos order reprint Odoo
Remove Origin In Invoice Report
Remove Origin In Invoice Report
Restrict User on Product
Restrict User on Product
Create Credit Note While Returning Picking | Auto Credit Note With Return Delivery Order
Stock Picking Return Invoice With Product Return With Draft Invoice With Return Product Auto Credit Note from Return Products Auto Credit Note from Return Delivery Create Refund Invoice Create Refund Credit Note Generate Invoice Refund Odoo
eCommerce Product Matrix
Product Variants Add To Cart, Multi Variant Add To Cart App, Bulk Variant Add To Cart, Website Product Variants To Cart, Multiple Variants On Cart Module, Bunch Product Add To Cart, Bundle Product To Cart,variants to cart Odoo
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Centralize your address book
Publish blog posts, announces, news
Live Chat
Chat with your website visitors
Internet of Things
Basic models and helpers to support Internet of Things.
Use barcode scanners to process logistics operations
United States Postal Service (USPS) Shipping
Paypal Payment Acquirer
Payment Acquirer: Paypal Implementation
Stripe Payment Acquirer
Payment Acquirer: Stripe Implementation

Installed Localizations / Account Charts

Account Automatic Transfers Demo Data
Generic - Accounting
Mexico - Accounting
EDI for Mexico
Mexican Localization for EDI documents
EDI v4.0 for Mexico
Converts the Mexican EDI CFDI documents to version 4.0
EDI for Mexico (Advanced Features)
EDI v4.0 for Mexico (COMEX)
Adds the CommercioExterior Complement to CFDI v4.0
Odoo Mexico Localization for Stock/Landing
Generate Electronic Invoice with custom numbers
Mexico - Electronic Delivery Guide
Electronic Delivery Guide for Mexico CFDI 4.0
Support CFDI version 4.0
Mexico - Electronic Delivery Guide Comex
Mexico - Electronic Delivery Guide Comex 4.0
Odoo Mexican Localization Reports
Electronic accounting reports - COA - Trial Balance DIOT Report
Odoo Mexican Localization Reports for Closing
Allow to generate the trial balance for the closing entry. Colloquially known as "Month 13"
Odoo Mexican XML Polizas Export
XML Export of the Journal Entries for the Mexican Tax Authorities for a compulsory audit.
United States - Accounting
1099 Reporting
Easily export 1099 data for e-filing with a 3rd party.
US - Accounting Reports